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Viral Patel

Machine Learning and Data Science Enthusiast Portfolio

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About Me

Hello There !
Glad to have you on my portfolio site.
I will be graduating from University of Ottawa with Master of Systems Science program .
I have completed my bachelors in Computer Engineering.
My major Projects and Internships completed in Software Development, Machine Learning and Data Science domains.
On this site you will find detailed information about my skills, projects and internships. Thank You !

Latest Projects

project name

Classification and Mapping of Lunar Basalt Units using Machine Learning Techniques

Applied Supervised and Unsupervised Classification Methods of Machine Learning on Dataset of Chandrayan-1 retrieved from NASA.
Dataset: Multispectral data of Moon surface.
Outcome: Classified Moon surface into 16 different class using SVM method where each class has a unique feature based on chemical composition

project name

Effective Quantitative Calculation of Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings Using Statistical Machine Learning Method (Python, SKlearn, Numpy, Pandas, Keras)

The results of this study endorse the possibility of using machine learning software to approximate building parameters as a simple and reliable solution, given that the required application is identical to the data used to train the mathematical model in the first place.
We contemplate using the proposed method as an easy, off - the-shelf solution to obtain accurate estimates of heating load and cooling load.

project name

NotesApp (Android Studio, Java)

Developed a Notes taking Application for Android device.
Features: Share Note, Search Content in a Particular Note.

project name

SM Rentals (JAVA, AOSimulationModel, Eclipse)

Developed a Program for a Rental Company who Provides Car Rentals to Airplane Clientele.
Achieved an average 90% Customer Satisfaction rate with Service Time using Heuristic Strategy.

Work Experience

Industry Internship Project - City of Ottawa, ON (08/2020 - 12/2020)

Developed “Waste Advisor” android based application which used to classify the waste.
Created Classification model trained using Teachable machine having 80% accuracy on Training dataset of 30k Images
Deployed model using Starlette to create RESTful API, Containerized with Docker and hosted on GCP’s free tier.

Data Science Intern - KataniTECH, Ottawa-ON (04/2020 - Present)

KataniTECH is developing a digital “Trend Predictive and Intelligent” tool for the Fashion Retail Industry Using AI and data science: constructing algorithm framework (Image sourcing, labeling, and training the model).
Programming: developing a client web platform for retail clients.
I am giving my contribution on back-end side. Working on AWS and MongoDB services.

Machine Learning Intern - Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), India (Feb 2019 – May 2019)

Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms to perform Classification on lunar surface’s Multispectral data
Performed Image Processing using MATLAB

Software Intern - Ivory Techno Lab Pvt. Ltd, India (Jan 2018 – Apr 2018)

Technology: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL
Web development using WordPress and Joomla framework
Solved critical client-side problems
Worked at front-end side environment


What is Data Science?

Issued Jun 2020
Credential URL

Programming Foundation: Algorithms

Issued May 2020

Programming Foundation: Design Patterns

Issued May 2020

Learning Django

Issued May 2020